CAMEL (combo):

Basic Cue:

  • Pose- Right foot comes forward slightly with pointed toe, right hand at shoulder level with palm forward (arm is bent keeping the elbow at the side of the body), left hand down.
  • Combo- immediately after the camel is completed, the cue for the torso rotation cue will be given.

None in Level 1

Note: To avoid confusion, in level 1, the camel will almost exclusively be used as the full combo.  A rare exception would be in the case of the song (or slow section of a song) ending – you could just go into the camel pose and end there rather than feeling the need to complete the full combo.  In future levels, the camel pose alone may be used on more occasions as a move by itself.


Basic Cue:

  • Step- arms in ghawazee position ( a little lower than second, slightly more rounded, palms between facing the audience and facing the floor), very bent kneed posture, slightly wider than usual, step out to the right with a large loose exaggerated ¾ hip, right hand flips up
  • Combo- begin an 8 count of basic ghawazee steps and ‘yip’ on count 7 (count 7 should occur on  the right side) indicating that the next section of the combo will begin on the 1 of the following 8 count.


The combination consists of 3 parts (in level 1) – the step, the ¼ turn section of the combo, and the
½ turn section of the combo.  They do not all have to be included each time the move is cued.  They also do not have to be done immediately after one another.

Your options are:

  • STEP ONLY – just cue the ghawazee step portion … do not yip do go into the combo.
  • STEP plus ¼ TURNs – cue the ghawazee step, when you are ready, start an 8 count in your head and cue the combo w/ a yip … this will move into an 8 count of ¼ turns to the left to the corners of the room/stage.  When these finish, the move reverts back to the original ghawazee step.  You can then move from here to any other moves you wish without cueing the half turns.
  • STEP plus ¼ TURNs plus ½ TURNs – at any point (during the same lead) after the ¼ turns (even after doing other moves) you may return to the ghawazee step, when you are ready, start an 8 count in your head and cue the combo w/ a yip … this will move into an 8 count of ½ turns to the left to the corners of the room/stage (back-stage left, front-stage right) and then reverts back to the ghawazee step.
  • At this point the combo is finished and if you were to cue the combo again it would begin again at ¼ turns (in level 1)

NOTE: The simplest way to cue the entire combo is to do it in immediate succession – 1-2 8 counts of ghawazee step, 8 counts of ¼ turns, 1-2 8 counts of ghawazee step, 8 counts of ½ turns … part of the reason for the allowed break in the middle, though, is that it is a very long combo and it gives you a chance to respond to the music rather than being locked into the combo if the music changes, but still have the option of picking up where you left off.