We have a really fun weekend ahead of us!  This Saturday (9/17) we’ll be hosting a workshop – Super-Basic Introduction to Belly Dancing with Fire – and a Hafla!

The Workshop

The workshop will introduce torch adaptations for a small collection of tribal belly dance moves, that will allow students to give the torches a try during the hafla after the workshop if they are interested and ready.

There will also be a primer on fire safety and basic considerations for using the torches. We’ll even have a few pairs of spare torches (from our weekly fire class) available to share during the workshop and at the hafla so that everyone can have a chance to try them! (with supervision, of course)

For more information about the workshop, check out the Facebook event listing: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112031548902891

The Hafla

The party is really the fun part!  This is our second hafla, and we hope that folks had such a good time last time, that we get even more folks this time (especially since the weather is a little cooler now).  The students from the Intro to Fire – FIRE PALMS – Level 1 course that is just finishing up will have an opportunity to show their friends and family what they’ve been working on.

In addition to that, students from the workshop earlier that day will get a chance to try the torches out in a supervised environment.  Julia and Heather will be performing, and we’ll hopefully have a guest performer or two as well!

For more information on the hafla, see the Facebook event listing here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=102525563188302

And remember, if you are interested in lighting up at the hafla, for safety reasons please wear clothing made of natural fibers (such as cotton) and have your hair pulled up and off the face. (Polyester melts and loose hair is risky! Safety first!)