We’re planning something fun for the Halloween show at Satchel’s this year! (Oct 25)  There’s going to be a little bit of everything: zombies, ghosts, skeletons, and spooky black cats.

I’ll post more about the other characters as we progress into the month of October, but today we’re going to talk about the ghosts!  The level 1 students will be dancing as ghosts and skeletons, and we recently finished the ghost costume prototype.

The students will wear white pants and tops (and skirts, scarves, or other accessories if they have them), and we’ll be providing some additional accessories to spookify the whole thing.  The add-ons consist of a belt, shrug, wrist danglies, and a headband – all made out of ribbons, various types of yarn, and shredded sheer fabric.

The makeup is fairly simple – a white base with black ovals over the eyes and mouth.

Without further ado – here are some pictures!