We are almost done with our Tribal Fusion Choreography.  Thursday, May 31 is your last chance to try your hand at the Blockhead Choreo (for now, at least)!

With that sad news, however, comes the exciting announcement that the Special Topics Class will be spending the month of June working on Tribal Basket Dancing!!  This class will be an introduction to working within the tribal dance framework with balancing props – starting with baskets -and will be a prerequisite for those who wish to move on to do Tribal Sword with us in the future.  Students who participate in this class will be offered an opportunity to perform what they learned as a tribe at a student level event.

This class is considered a level 2 class and as such requires familiarity with our level 1 tribal vocabulary (contact us if you have any questions about your level and whether you are ready for this class).

This class is a Special Topics Class – the cost is $15 or 1.5 card punches per class.  (Hint: A single 6 punch card – $50 – would cover the entire 4 week series for a $10 savings.)