We previously have held pre-registered small group classes on Thursday evenings at 6 pm.  These have been fun, but they’ve required students to commit to and pay for the entire course up front or by payment arrangement, and we thought that might have prevented some interested folks from being able to participate.

So, for 2012, we’ve changed things up a bit!  We’re still going to have a small group class at 6 pm on Thursdays, and it’s still going to focus on special topics, but it’s going to be a drop-in class!

We’ll go through various topics (in segments of 2-6 weeks, depending on the topic and other factors).  Please see the event calendar to see what topic is going at any given time – I’ve just put up the proposed schedule for all of 2012!  There are a lot of great things – veil, tribal improv with balanced props, tribal improv with fire props, zills, shimmies – all kinds of fun stuff!

The class size will still be kept at 6 people or fewer (if we are blessed with a crowd, we’ll split the special topics into multiple classes), and the price will stay comparable to our small group focused courses.  The big differences are that you can drop in on single classes, you don’t have to pay in advance, and you can use your class card (which means you get to take advantage of bulk discounts on class cards).

Special topics classes that involve fire will be $20 per (or 2 punches on your class card).  In addition to the small class size and dual instructor format, we will be providing props to borrow if you don’t have your own, an outdoor space for lit practice during class (once enough material is covered), as well as fuel and safety equipment/monitoring.  The class is also just a smidge longer to allow time for preparing and cooling down props, etc.

Special topics classes that do not involve fire will be $15 per (or 1.5 punches on your class card).  These will have the usual small class size and dual instructor format.  There will be props to borrow if you don’t have your own for veil, basket, and zill classes.

The special topics classes also include performance opportunities at our monthly student showcase at Satchel’s, and at haflas held at the studio.

We are excited about the new opportunity to study special topics on a drop-in basis, and hope to see you there!