Basic Cue: Center, bring arms from rest position to frame right hip, push right hip to front right corner.


  • Turn:
    • Cue (when right hip reaches back right corner) by bringing right arm to head and left arm to hip, shift weight onto left foot and cross right foot over left – this is a slow half turn.
    • The turn stops facing the back and continues w/ horizontal figure 8’s until the new leader (in the back) cues to turn back around.
    • In Level 1 the leader in back will only continue the move and then turn back around when they are ready … as levels progress, the leader will have the option to cue other moves while the formation is facing backwards before coming back to the figure 8 and cueing to turn back around.


Basic Cue: Arms come into 5th position, palms facing one another.


  • Arms:
    • Arms can also be brought into 1st or 2nd position for variety.
    • 1st position is the arm position you would cue 1/4 turns from.
    • 2nd position will also have an alternate zilling pattern in level 2.
  • Turns:
    • 1/4 Turns:
      • Begin w/ arm variation in 1st position – then cue w/ head turn (most often to left – the 1/4 turn to the right is possible, but much less natural to the right)
      • Leader may add optional double yip – especially for cases where the leader and their cues may not be easily seen)
      • These turns will be (as named) quarter turns – one turn to each side and end back in the starting position
    • 1/2 Turns:
      • Begin w/ standard arms (5th, palms facing one another) – cue by making standard arm movement bigger and to the side some as opposed to just forward and back, also cross right foot slightly over left all during the first beat of the Egyptian
      • Leader may add optional yip – especially for cases where the leader / cues may not be easily seen
      • There will be 2 full rotations of the half turns (4 half turns to the left) returning back to starting position
  • Traveling:
    • As with other movements, make first step larger and slightly angle body into traveling direction to cue
    • Look down and back to go backwards (always lead w/ right side)
    • This move can be done to get in the circle (and around the circle) and will usually signify that you will be doing moves as a group in the circle