Ahoy! It’s that time again – the last Tuesday of the month, that is – and that means Shambling Shimmies’ Monthly Student Showcase “Satchel’s Shakedown”!! As you may or may not have guessed (or been told), August is Pirate Month here at Shambling Shimmies – so this month we’ll have dancing pirates (lots of them), sword-weilding pirates (also dancing), pirates balancing baskets, sirens, pirates turning into sirens, bellynesian fusion … and of course, lots of shamblin’ and shimmyin’! Feel free to get in on the action yourselves and break out your favorite pirate hat, bandanna, peg leg, etc. You may even get a chance to do some pirate dancing yourself. The more the merrier! So come join the Shambling Shimmies, the Swamp Daisies Student Group, and this month’s lovely guest dancers at Satchel’s Pizza / Lightning Salvage from 7:30-9:00pm, Tuesday, 8/28/12, for some swashbuckling fun. We’ll see you there – Arrr!