Level 1 Tribal Moves: Horiz. 8s w/ Turn, Egyptian (Level 1 Tribal Moves and Jam)
Level 2 Tribal Moves: L2 Jam/Review Day (Level 2 Tribal Moves and Jam)
Formation Focus: Basic Formation/Chorus (Level 1 Tribal Moves and Jam) (Weekly Jam Class***)
Upper Body Technique: Shoulder Pushes (Bellydance Technique)
Lower Body Technique: Shoulder Pushes (Bellydance Technique)
Footwork: Grapevine (Bellydance Technique)
Zill Pattern: 3-3-7Â (RLR RLR RLRLRLR)Â (Level 2 Tribal Moves and Jam)
Rhythm to Know:Â Saidi ( D- T- TK D- D- TK T- TK ) Â (filled)
Dancers to Know:Â Fat Chance Belly Dance, Kami Liddle
Current Special Topic: Solo Construction: Structured Improv. (L2 Solo Construction)
***New Class Starting This Week
Class names following topics will be specifically covering those topics this week.  See the class calendar for scheduled times and days. Â
Be sure to follow us on our Facebook Page for daily updates, links, and more detailed information on many of these topics as well as suggestions for home practice.