This move is part of the Shambling Shimmies L2 Group Vocabulary, and is evolved from a move called Drunken Sailor, we think it was named that because of the swooshy (wobbly?) nature of the movement.


Classification: Fast

Basic Cue:

Bring arms straight down and in front of you, step right foot to right front corner of your ‘box’, swing hip to right front corner beginning circle.


  •             Turn: cue with head turn – ¼ turns to left


Timing – 4 count move

Zill Pattern – Gallop (ending) on the downbeat

Zill Pattern / Move Timing Broken Down –

1   &   2   &   3   &   4   &  
R   R L R   R L R   R L R   R L
R foot R front L foot L front R foot L back L foot R back