Category: Studio

Studio Renovations, Day 3

It was a short day today. We finished the mirrors put in the base boards. I also painted a little sign for the studio door!




Studio progress, day 2

Today was a busy day! We finished painting the drywall patches that had to set overnight, hung about 2/3 of the mirrors, and put down new flooring. We just have to finish the mirrors and do the base boards, and then we can start the decorating, which is probably the most fun.





Ryan had to take a short time out. Also, for fun, check out the giant parade dragon that is temporarily being stored in our closet!


New Studio!

We just secured a small studio space and have started some renovations! We’ll be able to move all our classes into one locations, and maybe even expand the schedule if things go well. We’ll be taking up residence in the back studio at the Unified Training Center, just past the big mat space in the main hall. We started work today, and managed to get the drywall patched and most of the paint up.



The flooring has been acquired and is acclimating overnight so that we can install it tomorrow. From there, mirrors go in and we can start holding classes there while we finish the rest of the lighting, drapes, etc.



We even had our first visitors! Nathan and Keely came by with their new puppy, Batou, who is a serious cutie pie!
